Sunday, March 23, 2008

13 Going on 30


so i am sitting around today having a lazy sunday when i turn on the television. Lo and behold I see Jennifer Garner on my tv doing the dance from Thriller. SCORE! 13 going on 30, without a doubt my favorite of these types of movies. It is a romantic comedy that also combines the sentimentality of a coming of age teen movie. Freaking awesome. Not to mention that the male lead is played by Mark Ruffalo. Who doesn't love that guy. he stole the heart of emo nerd guys everywhere with his excellent portrayal as the drifter brother with a heart of gold in the Laura Linney movie 'You can count on me' (an extremely underrated movie). He was also good in the movie 'Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind'. his performance in the movie Zodiac left me a little flat, just not indie cool like the other movies. Anywho, bonus to the producers for scoring a guy with indie cred for a cheeseball romantic comedy. Also, the main musical theme is the Liz Phair song 'why can't i' from her 2003 record that was furiously rejected in hipster circles. I think really everyone pretty much didn't care about her after exile in guyville, except a couple real assholes out there who try to prove how cool they are by picking whitechocolatespaceegg. but seriously, those people can get bent. 'wy can't i' is just as good as anything she has ever written and despite the crazy over-produced studio feel of the song it still rocks. right up there with avril lavigne's complicated as great radio songs of that era. the era of teh major label alternative girl rock. i am not even being ironic here.i love that shit.

despite having mark ruffalo and liz phair involved, thus making this the defacto romantic comedy of hipster circles, it also has jennifer garner actually looking HOT! holy crap. in case someone is reading this who hasn't seen the movie, jennifer garner is playing a girl who is actually 13 years old but wished to be older so bam, welcome to the future. So basically, Jennifer Garner has to affect a sort of bubbly innocence to convey that there is a thirteen year old brain in that body. she fucking nails it. should have won an oscar. she kills. in doing so she actually comes off like a girl rather than the dude i suspect she is. This may sound a bit pedo, but it isn't really. being a girl is more attractive than being a tomboy.

okay. i am bored with this now. worst. blog. ever. i have a headache and was writing just to force myself to write. grrrrr.


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for a film to come out where Jennifer Garner and Hilary Swank play bulldyke sisters or transvestites or something. And Jessica Alba can play the pretty sister that they hate.

William said...

the real movie that needs to get made is 30 going on 13: the Bill Baldwin story.